This week's #BlindLocation is with Tim Chisham- my Instagram friend turned friend IRL. We also happen to have both lived in the Shoals area of North Alabama around the same time, and we have all of these friends in common, so that was a pretty cool find.
Tim is an artist. He's also a really nice guy. He volunteered to be a part of #BlindLocation, so I'm grateful for his participation, because I made him do some weird stuff. lol. I don't know what it is about him, but I had him doing a lot of funny photos, as opposed to my normal all-serious vibes.
Actually, despite what you see in my portfolio on here, every shoot there's a lot of joking around. I just happen to also be able to channel everyone's inner don't-mess-with-me/I'm-hot/badass side.
Speaking of badass, check out Tim's work here. He's a designer and a photographer and an all-around good guy. He did the design work for Rob Cohan of SafeLight labs. Rob was my 2nd #BlindLocation model. Rewatch that video here.
[By the way, if you're into film and you like developing your own photos, SafeLight Labs is officially open! Go book an appointment in their darkroom. Super stoked for Rob on his new business.]
Hope you enjoy watching our adventure in Sports Arena (behind a strip club as we later discovered). It was a pleasure getting to know you, Tim!!!

Thanks for watching & reading! If you know anyone who would like to be a model for #BlindLocation, please let me know!!! I'm doing one every week in 2019. Check back each Friday for new posts!!!
Model: Tim Chisham
Videographer & Video Editor: Alyssa Douglas
Photographer: Sydney Prather